Does Leaving Windows Open Increase Indoor Air Pollutants in My Home?

Woman opens wide windows to reduce indoor air pollutants.

On a cool day, nothing beats opening the windows to let the fresh outdoor air inside. But you may wonder if there are risks in doing so. Is it better to leave the windows closed for fear of increasing the amount of indoor air pollutants in your home? Or is it better to replace stale indoor air with air from outside? The answer depends on a few different factors. Allow the Carrier® experts at RJ Heating and Air Conditioning to explain. We answer a few of your air quality questions below—read them over, then call us at 414-463-1140 for more help.

How to Manage Indoor Air Pollutants

You might think the air inside your home is safe, but the opposite can sometimes be true. Exposure to contaminants like excess moisture and mold, home cleaning products, and even chemicals emitted from carpet, paint, and furniture can lead to elevated levels of indoor air pollutants. Couple that with the fact that we spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors, and you can see how constantly keeping your windows closed has its risks.

While air quality might not have a noticeable difference in the health of an average, healthy person,  the elderly, children, and those with heart conditions can suffer if quality is poor. The best way to manage this is to open your windows from time to time.

The Threat of Outdoor Allergens

On the other hand, if you’re allergic to things like pollen and mold, outdoor air can pose a threat. In that case, it’s best to leave your windows closed most of the time, unless the pollen count is low. Running your air conditioner during the summer can sometimes help, as does making sure humidity is within a normal range.

How Air Cleaners and Exchangers Can Help

Depending on your family’s needs, adding another layer of protection with air cleaners or exchangers can be a terrific idea. These units use high-quality HEPA filters that capture more than 99 percent of allergens and other irritating particles from your air, reducing allergy and asthma attacks. You can enjoy the fresh, clean air you get from opening your windows without worrying about making allergies worse or increasing indoor pollution levels.

Get the Freshest Air Possible With RJ Heating

Whether you have sensitive family members or simply want the freshest indoor air possible, RJ Heating has the right air quality solutions for you. Find out more about how our products can complement your home comfort by calling 414-463-1140 or contacting us online.