UV lights in your ductwork can kill the bad bacteria in your air

Eliminate Germs and Mold With UV Lights for HVAC

Your home air might appear to be clean, but the truth is that it’s home to bacteria, dander, and other germs. These contaminants are constantly traveling through your HVAC system and into the air you breathe every day. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to eliminate them from your air and bring fresh, clean air back into your home: UV lights for HVAC.

Read about how a whole house UV light purifier works below, and when you’re ready to discuss installation, call RJ Heating and Air Conditioning at 414-463-1140.

How UV Lights Work

UV lights work by destroying bacteria and viruses to keep them from reproducing. So it makes sense to position these lights where these contaminants thrive—in the dark, damp corners of your HVAC system. These UV air purifiers are installed directly in your system, so every bit of air that passes through is cleaned before being recirculated through your home. As air makes its way through your ductwork and passes by the UV lights, virtually all bacteria are sterilized immediately. This results in:

  • Cleaner, germ-free surfaces

  • Decreased spread of bacteria
  • Better quality air

  • Improved airflow

In addition to the benefits above, UV lights keep your system cleaner, which means less maintenance and better overall efficiency.

A Safe Way to Kill Germs in Your HVAC System

HVAC UV light installation is a safe, proven way to kill germs. Not only that, but they can be installed in virtually any ductwork system. Target bacteria at its source and provide your family with a safer environment today. Call the Carrier® experts at RJ Heating for a free, no-obligation estimate, at 414-463-1140, or contact us online.