experts answer your frequently asked indoor air quality questions

Get Answers to Your Top Indoor Air Quality FAQs Here

The best way to protect your home’s indoor air quality is to know as much about it as possible. RJ Heating and Air Conditioning is here to help—we’re answering your top questions in our indoor air quality FAQs below. Learn the best ways to breathe clean, healthy air at home, and feel free to call us at 414-463-1140 if you need service or more info.

1. Is Indoor Air Really That Polluted?

Contaminants known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are created or brought into your home from a variety of everyday activities, including cooking, cleaning, and even coming home from the gym. These VOCs, including dirt, dust, mold, and carbon monoxide, are kicked up into the air, where they can circulate through your home and cause a variety of indoor air quality issues. Fortunately, solutions such as air purifiers and cleaners can help get rid of VOCs.

2. How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality Standards?

In addition to air purifiers, cleaners, and ventilators, there are some easy steps you can take to improve poor indoor air quality:

  • Vacuum your house every week
  • Invest in houseplants—these are proven to add oxygen and decrease the number of VOCs in your home
  • Change your air filter regularly

3. How Often Should I Change My Air Filter?

For standard one-inch filters, we recommend swapping in a new one every one to three months—or more often if someone in your home smokes or is prone to allergies. If you have a media or high-efficiency (HEPA) filter, replace it every six to 12 months.

4. What Is the Ideal Home Humidity?

No matter the season, your home’s moisture levels should fall somewhere between 35 and 50 percent. Our humidifier and dehumidifier systems are the perfect way to ensure your air stays perfectly balanced.

5. How Can I Get Rid of Hot and Cold Spots in My House?

Installing a ductless mini-split system is an easy and convenient fix. Simply put one of these units in the problem area or areas, set its thermostat to your ideal temperature—separately from your whole-home thermostat—and watch it go to work.

6. Should My Fan Be Set to “Auto” or “On”?

Technically, there is no wrong answer. A system set to “Auto” will run until your home’s temperature matches your thermostat setting. When “On”, your fan will run continuously, providing more consistent temperatures.

For answers to more indoor air quality FAQs, call RJ Heating today at 414-463-1140 or use our online form to send us your question.