What Are Some Common Indoor Pollution Sources?

3 notes spell out indoor air quality and bring awareness to indoor pollution sources.

As winter approaches and we spend most of our time inside, you might start thinking about your indoor air quality. Believe it or not, it could be more polluted than you think—and even worse than the air outside. In this blog, RJ Heating and Air Conditioning explores a few indoor pollution sources and what you can do to ensure you’re breathing healthy air. Call us in Milwaukee with questions.

How Polluted Is Your Indoor Air?

Indoor air is typically more polluted than the air we breathe outside, which may come as a surprise. In fact, the air inside your home can be anywhere from two to five times more polluted than the air outside, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

In extreme cases of home air pollution, you may notice symptoms among your family members. These can include itchy or irritated eyes, a sore throat, coughing, or wheezing. You might also notice increased asthma symptoms for anyone in your home affected. Poor indoor air quality can especially impact the elderly and children.

Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

What are these indoor pollution sources? They are many of them, including asbestos, pesticides, gasses emitted from cooking, carbon monoxide, particles of dust or smoke, and even excess moisture. Certain construction materials like carpets, paint, and flooring can also cause air quality problems.

How to Clean Up Your Indoor Air

Depending on your indoor air pollution concerns, there are different systems you can install to help. Air cleaners and exchangers help eliminate excess dust, dirt, and other contamination by swapping out polluted air for clean outdoor air. Their filters can also trap more than 99 percent of allergens and particles.

If moisture levels are of concern, choose a home humidifier or dehumidifier to solve the problem. Proper humidity levels contribute to easier breathing and reduced allergy symptoms—and can even help your heating and cooling systems run more efficiently.

Another solution to boosting your home’s air quality is the installation of UV lights. These are installed in your home’s ductwork and sterilize air on the spot to reduce the circulation of bacteria and viruses throughout your home.

Additionally, frequent air filter replacement is a simple and economical way to improve your indoor air quality no matter the time of year.

Breathe Clean Air All Winter With Help From RJ Heating

Now that you understand how prevalent indoor air pollution can be, it’s time to take action. Let RJ Heating help you determine the best solutions for your home. Schedule an appointment online so we help you with your indoor air quality needs.