How to Stay Cool in Summer on a Budget

Homeowner budgets using piggy bank after learning how to stay cool in summer.

When temperatures soar in the summer, you’re often left with no choice but to run your A/C around the clock to stay comfortable. Unfortunately, that comfort can come with a cost—so figuring out how to stay cool in summer while saving money at the same time is essential. In this blog, the Carrier® experts at RJ Heating and Air Conditioning share some useful tips to help you do just that. Give them a try, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need more assistance or A/C service: 414-463-1140.

A/C Budget Tips

From making small changes in your home to understanding how your HVAC can better perform to your advantage, here are some of our best tips for how to stay cool in summer:

1. Invest in a Wi-Fi Thermostat

Stay on top of the ever-fluctuating Wisconsin summer temperatures with a Wi-Fi thermostat. Its remote programming capability can help you avoid running your A/C when it’s not necessary or when you’re not home.

2. Use Your Home’s Blinds and Shades

Window coverings aren’t just for privacy—they also help keep the sun from shining into your home and warming it up. Close your blinds and shades during the warmest hours of the day to keep your A/C from working harder than it needs to.

3. Schedule A/C Maintenance

Keeping your A/C in top shape will ensure it’s running as efficiently as possible, so don’t forget to schedule your A/C maintenance each year. This can help you save money on your monthly energy bills.

4. Plant Trees and Shrubs

Another way to block the sun’s hot rays is to plant trees and shrubs around your windows. This can also help you add some color and vibrancy to your landscape.

 5. Maintain Your Home’s Airflow

Your A/C is most effective if there’s nothing blocking the flow of air through the home. Check all your vents and registers to make sure they’re open and not blocked by furniture. This will keep your cool air flowing so you don’t need to keep your thermostat set as low.

6. Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

Turning on your ceiling fans in conjunction with your air conditioner is a great way to keep the cool air circulating through your home. You can even set your thermostat to a higher temperature and let the fans carry that cool air instead.

7. Run Your A/C at Specific Times

Turn your air on in the morning while it’s still cooler outside. You can also turn it off when you’re not home or at night when it cools down.

8. Replace Your System

If you’ve tried everything but it’s still a struggle to keep your home cool and your bills low, it may actually be time to replace your system. A/Cs that are 15 years old or older tend to naturally lose efficiency, and though maintenance helps, a replacement is usually more cost-effective. While it can seem daunting, when you have professionals from RJ Heating on your side, the entire replacement process is simple and fast. Newer models are much more efficient as well, so once you have your replacement, you’ll have lower energy bills to go with it.

Stay Cool and Save With RJ Heating

Keep your budget in check and feel cool this summer with help from the RJ Heating experts. Get in touch with us online or call 414-463-1140.