Check These 5 Things Off Your Fall HVAC Checklist

Technician helps male homeowner complete fall HVAC checklist with furnace maintenance.

At RJ Heating and Air Conditioning, we know how much Wisconsinites rely on their furnaces for comfort during cooler weather. That’s why we’re sharing our fall HVAC checklist to help your system run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Take a look below, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 414-463-1140.

Replace Your Air Filters

All air that passes through your HVAC system also goes through your air filter, which removes a variety of dust, dirt, pet dander, and other impurities that affect both your health and system performance. Dirty filters not only make your system work harder but are also the root cause of several HVAC issues. Be sure to replace them every three months or so (or more often if you suffer from allergies). And when shopping for new filters, remember: The higher the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV), the more effective the filtration.

Keep Your Unit Clean and Clear

Make sure the area around your furnace is clear of debris—even something small can interfere with the system’s safety and performance. The same goes for your vents. Cleaning and dusting them can help improve airflow and actually help your furnace’s energy efficiency.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

As we transition to fall, we’ll naturally see cooler nights—which is when you’ll need your furnace the most. Maximize your system’s energy efficiency and save money on utility bills by installing a programmable Carrier® Wi-Fi thermostat. These handy devices even let you control your HVAC system right from your smartphone.

Seal Air Leaks

Leaks and holes are not only a serious drain on energy efficiency but can also cause inconsistent heating in your home. Caulking windows, covering holes or gaps in your ductwork, or adding new weather stripping are all low-investment DIY jobs that will put less stress on your furnace.

Schedule Furnace Maintenance With RJ Heating

After you’ve gone through our fall HVAC checklist, get a professional inspection and tune-up of your HVAC system to keep it running smoothly and prevent unnecessary repairs. And if your furnace is more than 15 years old or had trouble heating your home last year, ask us about a new, high-efficiency installation.

Schedule your appointment online or give us a call at 414-463-1140 today.