5 Items You Can Cross off Your Spring HVAC Checklist Today

Woman relaxes on grey couch after completing spring HVAC checklist.

It’s springtime in Milwaukee—and there’s no better way to prepare your home for warmer weather than with our spring HVAC checklist. Below, the experts at RJ Heating and Air Conditioning are sharing some basic spring maintenance tips you can use right now. Read them over, and when you need help with number four, give our team a call: 414-463-1140.

1. Replace Your Air Filter

For both your health and comfort, replacing your air filter should be the first thing you do this spring. As part of your heating and cooling systems, your filter helps catch and prevent airborne contaminants from flowing through your house. But over time, those pollutants can clog the filter’s fibers. Not only does that hinder airflow, but it also allows other contaminants to roam free. Changing your filter regularly (once every one to three months) will keep your air quality just right.

2. Clean Inside and Out

Spring cleaning is for more than just clearing out old junk. It’s also for the house itself. On the inside, dust and vacuum everything you can. That includes carpets, rugs, ceiling fans, bookcases, and yes—even the inside of your ducts. It will help clear out not only dust, but also dirt and other pollutants that have settled in your home throughout the winter.

On the outside, clean any debris that may have blown into or around your air conditioner. Doing so will help improve the system’s operation and efficiency.

3. Change Your Ceiling Fan Direction

Speaking of your ceiling fan, switch the direction its blades spin to counterclockwise. It may not seem like it does much, but it will help push cool air back down to you rather than suck it up toward the ceiling. That way, you can stay cooler in your home without having to touch your thermostat.

4. Schedule Routine A/C Maintenance

When it comes to ensuring you’ll have cool air whenever you need it this summer, air conditioner maintenance is your best option. Our pros will clean and tune every working part in your system. This helps improve its efficiency and keeps your unit running for longer. Ask about our Comfort First Membership program, too—it’s the perfect way to save on the service your cooling system already needs.

5. Count on RJ Heating for All Your Spring HVAC Checklist Needs

Whether we’re maintaining your current system or installing a new Carrier® A/C, trust RJ Heating with everything home comfort-related. Great service starts with a phone call: 414-463-1140 (or contact us online).