4 Ways UV Lights for HVAC Clean Your Home Air

UV lights for HVAC zap germs and bacteria inside heating and cooling systems.

Yes, your home’s HVAC system is responsible for keeping your home temperature just right. But did you know there’s also a way you can use it to ensure cleaner, germ-free air? UV lights for HVAC are tiny lights installed directly within your system. Harnessing the power of ultraviolet light, they sterilize your home air upon contact. Even though you can’t see or hear them function, their effects can be powerful. Discover their benefits below, then give the Carrier® pros at RJ Heating and Air Conditioning a call to discuss installation at 414-463-1140.

The Power of UV Lights

1. Destroying bacteria

When germs and bacteria enter your home’s ductwork, they typically recirculate—germs that originate in one room are often transferred to another. But with the installation of UV lights, the rays kill these contaminants on contact, preventing them from continuously circulating throughout your home. This leads to cleaner air as well as germ-free surfaces.

2. Killing mold

Mold can get into your house in a few different ways. It can enter through open windows and doors, and even make its way inside on your shoes, clothing, and pets. Additionally, if your home’s humidity levels are too high, mold can grow. While UV lights can’t prevent humidity problems, they can kill mold spores, preventing them from circulating and growing. This is especially important if you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma, as mold can exacerbate these symptoms.

3. Preventing odors

Indoor pollutants like mold can lead to unpleasant, musty odors over time. By eliminating the source of these smells, UV lights can prevent those odors to keep your home smelling fresher and cleaner all year long.

4. Keeping your HVAC system cleaner

While UV lights work to eliminate harmful pollutants from your indoor air, they also work their magic within your HVAC system at the same time. They remove dust and germ buildup on the coils within your system. This added benefit results in higher efficiency and increased airflow throughout your home.

Eliminate Airborne Bacteria With UV Lights for HVAC

Now that you’ve found a safer, proven way to keep your home air clean and healthy, it’s time to take the next step. RJ Heating can answer any questions you have and explain the UV light installation process. To get a free, no-obligation estimate or just find out more, call us today at 414-463-1140 or contact us online.